Project creator: SarahRaskin (faculty)
Collaborators: Mary Mahoney, Rob Walsh, David Tatem, Erica Crowley, Dario Euraque, Kamora Herrington
Project type: Website or portfolio

This project started as a series of walking tours to engage students and community members in learning about the rich history of scientists and educators in and around Hartford. My first inspiration was learning that Henry Molaison was from Hartford, his surgery was at Hartford Hospital, and he lived in a home on Congress Street. But as I kept digging I could see there were so many influential people from Hartford that ought to be highlighted.
I was so fortunate to have support from so many people. To begin with Mary Mahoney let me know about the History Pin option and helped to build the site. Because History Pin lends itself to short abstract length entries, David Tatem helped us build a Word Press site for those that want to learn more. Rob Walsh worked individually with each student to help them research their person or place.
The students were also required to interview someone in Hartford today who could speak to the legacy of the historical figure. For this Erica Crowley was instrumental in framing the best approaches for the students and helping brainstorm ideas.
From the very first idea, Kamora Herrington helped me think about the project as a way to map assets in Hartford and came to class to talk about how to make the project useful for people in the Hartford community.
Because this is essentially historical, Dario Euraque come to talk to students about how to think about biography and particularly how to use photographs to inform biographies.
It is definitely a work in progress, and designed to be a living project. I hope that future classes contribute and that people from the Hartford community contribute, too.
I think this worked well with first year students as it is, but next semester with my advanced class I plan to guide them to dig deeper into archives and primary sources.
This projected is associated with the course: FYS 160; PSY 261; PSY 392
Website: Media images and descriptions pinned to locations in the Hartford area of important people and places in neuroscience, psychology, health care, and education:,-72.673372,11/bounds/41.629171,-72.816538,41.902147,-72.530206/paging/1
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Rights statement: Attribution ShareAlike CC BY-SA 4.0