Project creator: Kirstin Fierro (student)
Project type: Text Analysis
In an attempt to offer a new reading of Plath’s poetry that is unbiased by biographical details, I use data-driven, computerized software Voyant to examine her collection of poetry as contained in The Collected Poems. The project is inspired by and adapted from a case study of Agatha Christie’s mystery novels completed by Ian Lancashire and Graeme Hirst at the University of Toronto. Their study used a computerized software to measure vocabulary changes in a selection of Agatha Christie novels that she wrote between age 34 and 82. I conclude that a distinct, meaningful reading of Plath’s work could come out of focusing solely on the Voyant data and a poem’s actual text in The Collected Poems. This type of probing should be focused on frequency and technique in order to track any evident progression or pattern. This project was completed for ENGL 431- The 19th Century Novel. The full paper is attached.
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This projected is associated with the course: ENGL-431
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