- What is the Day of Digital Scholarship?
- What is digital scholarship?
- How do I present my work?
- I’m not sure what I want to present. What are you looking for?
- Can I present more than one project?
- What if I can’t be there during the event?
- Can I attend without presenting or being on a panel?
- Do I have to post my work on the Incubator in order to present?
What is the Day of Digital Scholarship?
The Day of Digital Scholarship is a yearly event that highlights the work Trinity students, faculty, and staff have made with digital tools. This may take the form of artworks, research projects, or other forms of digital scholarship.
We encourage sharing completed works as well as works in progress, created either in or outside of the classroom.
This year’s event will be held Wednesday, April 17 2024 from 3 pm – 6 pm in the Raether Library & Information Technology Center for on Level 1. There are a few ways you can present your work, including:
- Casual Q & A (similar to a poster style presentation)
- Short talk (filmed in advance for those unable to join us in person)
- Group presentation
- Film, podcast, or other media project screening
- Demonstration
- Other (recommend a presentation style suited to your project)
Want to learn more about these different formats? Learn more about the event, see photos from past events, and read descriptions of presentation styles here.
We’d also encourage you to submit your work to the Incubator, an online showcase of digital work by students, faculty, and staff at Trinity College.
What is digital scholarship?
Digital scholarship is any scholarly process or product that utilizes digital tools, technologies, research methods, or platforms. It can be individual or collaborative, simple or complex, and may result in physical or digital output. Examples include textual analysis, 3D printing, data visualization, mapping, websites, video, and audio projects.
Past projects have included:
- Mill Zine (the first issue of the Mill’s satirical, small-circulation, student-made zine)
- Across the Pond and Then Some (a senior project interviewing an international student about studying in the USA)
- Learning to Cook: Lorice Edition (a student’s multimedia timeline of learning how to cook while studying away in Trinidad)
- Listening Between Your Ears (a faculty member’s narrated video visualizations of the human brain)
- Digital Writing ePortfolio (a student’s WordPress portfolio showing multiple digital projects)
- Making Chairs in Quebec (a photo essay of an apprenticeship in the woods of Southern Quebec)
How do I present my work?
You have options, including:
- Casual Question & Answer Style (Poster Session Style Presentation)
- Short Talk
- Group Presentation
- Film screening, podcast sharing, or other media
- Demonstration
- Other (recommend a presentation style you don’t see here)
Read more about presentation styles and what to expect at Day of Digital Scholarship here.
To sign up to present, please fill out this short interest form.
I’m not sure what I want to present. What are you looking for?
We welcome presentations on digital work completed both inside and outside the classroom. For students, we’d encourage group presentations on art projects, social media work, activities completed by clubs, etc. We are also open to new topics and styles of presenting. If there’s a particular topic you want to discuss, you can propose it to us. You can also ask us to assign you to a panel with other students.
Potential topics might include:
- How your club/team uses social media to tell stories
- Portfolio design
- Material objects you created (such as 3-D printed objects or robots)
Can I present more than one project?
Yes, absolutely! We would love to find space to share all your digital work. Please indicate more than one time block when you’re available so we can book you separately for each project.
What if I can’t be there during the event?
You can record a short talk or presentation about your work (think somewhere in the range of 5-15 minutes), and we’ll make it available for attendees to view. (See presentation options)
Can I attend without presenting or being on a panel?
Of course! We encourage you to check out the work being presented by others.
Do I have to post my work on the Incubator in order to present?
You can certainly present without uploading your work to the Incubator; however, we’d encourage you to consider it as it offers a means to share your work more widely with our campus community. We offer guidance on how to protect your work with a Creative Commons license so that you can share your work under terms you are comfortable with. You can contact Amy Harrell (amy.harrell@trincoll.edu) with any questions.