While chronic illnesses arise from physical ailments, the illnesses are simultaneously intertwined and experienced with social influences. The social narrative of chronic illnesses plays an influential role in how individuals experience their chronic illness. For my Global Health Humanities Gateway Program Capstone Project, I studied this concept by conducting research on the social perceptions surrounding chronic illnesses. 

This study sought to understand the overarching social perceptions associated with chronic illness while recognizing that there are a myriad of chronic illnesses that result in highly personal and unique experiences. The study focused beyond individual conditions and sought to identify shared experiences among those dealing with various chronic illnesses. In doing so, the research aims to define the interplay between the social perceptions of chronic illnesses and consequent lived experiences. 

​​The research was completed in collaboration with iCAN, a global organization focused on improving pediatric experiences in healthcare settings. The organization’s Youth Council aided the research and provided feedback throughout the process. The Youth Council is the guiding voice of iCAN, and it influences the work of the organization. For instance, members of the Youth Council provide iCAN and its partners with feedback that reflects pediatric patient experiences with healthcare and clinical trials. Additionally, Meghan Herrington, the Co-Chair of the Youth Council, aided as the research assistant.

This projected is associated with the course: GHHG-495-01 Community Engagement Project (Capstone Project for the Global Health Humanities Gateway Program)

Website: Visitors can expect a research abstract poster.: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGFhXHsD9c/uCSFIpsRvkWk1L5ZDAxFIQ/edit?utm_content=DAGFhXHsD9c&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton

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