Project creator: Marjorie Rednor (student)
Collaborators: Ariela Keysar, Barry A. Kosmin
Project type: Website or portfolio

The longitudinal study of the bar/bat mitzvah class of 1994-95 has followed Americans and Canadians for over 20 years, from adolescence to adulthood. The fourth phase of the study has been administered by the Institute for the Study of Secularism in Society and Culture of Trinity College in collaboration with colleagues at the Jewish Theological Seminary of New York. The research team included several Trinity students, currently represented by Marjorie Rednor (2020). This international research project is complex and challenging because it involves quantitative and qualitative components and methodology. The digital presentation describes, step by step, the various stages of the research project. It highlights the hands-on training, skills acquired, and innovative tools utilized.
This projected is associated with the course: ISSSC
Rights statement: Attribution NonCommercial NoDerivatives CC BY-NC-ND 4.0