Tess Meagher – Class of 2020

This project is a story map that documents the evolution of the Trinity College campus over time. Motivated in part by the upcoming bicentenary of the College, the story map ties imagery from aerial surveys (provided by the University of Connecticut Map & Geographic Information Center) to archival photos from Trinity’s Watkinson library, and allows users to see the evolution of the campus from its original Frederick Olmsted-designed layout to its modern configuration. Each building on campus has a description of its origin and history. The story map allows a small team (in this case, a student and an instructional technologist, with help from an archivist) to use modern geographic information systems software and detailed archival work to tell a coherent visual story of the College’s history. It also makes visible how enmeshed Trinity is with Hartford, highlighting the transformation of the campus, its built environment, and its relationship with the surrounding neighborhood. Such a project has many uses, from academic research to alumni engagement and advancement. You can view the story map at https://tinyurl.com/trinitystorymap.

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Snapshots in Time: A Digital Storymap of Trinity College

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