Robert Cotto, Jr. – Director, DEI Campus & Community Engagement

Title – Situating Types of Schooling During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Work In Progress (Cotto & Cape, 2022).

Building from a published, peer-reviewed journal article, this project is a work in a progress that situates the stories of family decisions for types of schooling in a city during the pandemic into a broader context of education and social policy in the state (Cotto & Woulfin, 2021). Using StoryMap, this project first shares the reasons for family decisions to return to school in-person (or not) in August 2020 in a Northeastern U.S. city. Second, the project places these decisions in a broader context of state data on types of schooling and calculated gaps of financial need in school districts. This work in progress suggests the need for further study of the connection of district resources with family decisions to return to in-person or remote schooling.

Event Timeslots (1)

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Situating Types of Schooling During COVID-19 Pandemic
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