Dario Del Puppo Dario Del Puppo
Reading the Italian Landscape Using StoryMap

Brendan Clark (2021) Brendan Clark (2021)
Hosting the Trinity Tripod with WordPress

Caroline Munn (2021) Caroline Munn (2021)
Coeducation at Trinity: Evolution of the Female Field Hockey Bantam

Tess Meagher (2020) Tess Meagher (2020)
Snapshots in Time: A Digital Storymap of Trinity College

Hannah Ward (2020) Hannah Ward (2020)
aftergrad: navigating life after college

Jervon Adams (2020) Jervon Adams (2020)
Teach Chicago Tomorrow

Giovanni Jones (2021) Giovanni Jones (2021)
Difficult Dorm Discussions - a podcast

Max Norteman (2023) Max Norteman (2023)
Curious Connecticut: The hidden history of the places we leave behind

Tiana Sharpe (2023) Tiana Sharpe (2023)
Normalizing Black Beauty

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